Getting Out of Dodge When You're Broke/ Escaping Mold/ Crime/ Etc. | Environmental Illness (EI), MCS: Facing the Toxic Future

Part 9 of the Finding Healthy Property: Purchasing Land for Healing, Homesteading, and a Healthy Home series!

Welcome to part nine of the Finding Healthy Property: Purchasing Land for Healing, Homesteading, and a Healthy Home series! All of the sections may be found under the tag: Finding Healthy Property.

Reminder: transcripts are now available underneath our videos on Substack. You are most welcome to print them out.

This topic is important for everyone, and yes, I mean everyone! There is always a way out in spite of financial adversity or other obstacles. However, please note that this is obviously not for emergency situations.

Seeing what is happening in Tennessee, North Carolina, etc. recently has prompted me to post this sooner than I had planned. Now is the time to assess where you believe your family will be safest- and it’s likely not in a coastal area.

As someone who has moved numerous times despite living below the poverty level at the time, I have experience in regards to fleeing homes or apartments that make you sick due to mold, chemicals, cigarette smoke, and the like. In this discussion:

- Getting out of Dodge due to environmental illness, crime, destructive weather, etc.

- The survival mentality versus the victim mentality.

- Priorities!

- Please note that this obviously is not for emergency situations

Our Books:

Learn more about our members-only content here, including the referenced series “Finding Healthy Property: Purchasing Land for Healing, Homesteading, and a Healthy Home”:

Holding on to Hope when Your Doctor Gives Up:

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This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent, mitigate, or otherwise address any symptom or diagnosis. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult your physician about everything, every time, everywhere. Consider this video satire if you will.

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