Read this article from Wired that confirms this insanity. China is working on it as well.
And here is a link to a video on Bitchute of others recording what’s going on with the sun.
If I wasn't observing these same phenomena myself, from being outside as much as possible, I'd think these people are bonkers and that all of these videos are fake.
But they aren't.
I've perused the patents. I’ve read the articles in mainstream scientific publications.
Remember singing "Mr. Golden Sun?" Things are not what they once were.
My plants hate the sun now.
My cat hates the sun now.
My hens hate the sun now.
I've seen the sun flickering, and being out in full sun now makes me sick. Truly, it has just recently started really throwing a wrench in my productivity levels, to the extent that I have to plan my days around avoiding the full sun.
It sounds nuts. But don't make a judgment call unless you're actually outside in the sun and seeing what's going on. I don't require the belief of others to confirm what I see with my own eyes. Believe it or not, it's up to you.... but be careful in selecting your beliefs as they manifest in action.
Are you seeing what I am seeing? Are you experiencing what I am experiencing? Are you noting changes in your animals and plants?
Luke 21:25: “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;”
Magnetic reversal of Earth's magnetic field. So yes, the sun seems stronger now because more ultraviolet radiation among other things is getting through. I took miss the yellow sun from childhood. Signs seen in the Aurora as well. We should need a super flare X10 or greater and a KP of 9 to see the Aurora as far south as PA. Reports this past summer and fall of Aurora seen as far south as southern Texas, Arizona and Porto Rico. The flares were much smaller ( high level M class up to X3) and a KP 6-8. Unheard of, and unexpected for flares that size. So "Our shields are dropping Captain!"
You might find it easier to access your fridge if you switched the doors to open the other way.