
Consultations From Our Healthy Home to Yours

Looking for further assistance with your non-toxic, healthy home and life? We can likely help! The following is a small sampling of remote services we offer here at Non -Toxic Home, LLC:

  • Identifying construction material options for latex allergies, MCS, MCAS, and other illnesses, and options for non-toxic, chemical free home building.

  • Helping you detox your home environment and personal care products.

  • Sharing tips for building a mold -resistant home.

  • Streaming video walkthroughs to help identify potential problem areas in your home or potential home.

  • Consulting with builders and homeowners to discuss best practices, materials, and encourage open communication.

  • Assisting in finding non-toxic furnishings, tolerable health and beauty products, latex-free clothing, and just about any other product necessary for modern life.

  • Researching materials and best practices of specific interest.

  • Reducing EMF exposure for new builds, remodels, and daily life.

  • Supporting natural approaches to healing such as transitioning to a whole foods diet, detoxing from chemical exposure, and more via extensive research and real-world experience.

  • Advocating for reasonable accommodations. (Social work experience is a plus, here!). 

  • Researching practically any topic per request: carefully, thoroughly, and efficiently, with a keen eye on your budget.

  • Some in-person options as well, particularly in South-Central Indiana (Bloomington, Nashville, etc.); open to travel.

Please note: Phone and video consultations are primarily on hold at this time. Much may be accomplished via email, and we are happy to accommodate needs for video or voice files.

We understand how expensive it can be to cope with sensitivities and to live a non-toxic life. Thus, we also believe our consultation fees should be reasonable- and they are! Consultations are typically provided via email at this time.

Why We Are Different

While this business does provide our primary source of income, we view this as an extension of who we are as people. Thus, we do not believe it is morally acceptable to charge exorbitant hourly rates, and do not increase our rates if we perceive someone to be wealthy. Simply compare our hourly rate to other healthy living consultants, as others charge $120- 300 per hour, while distributing what we clearly discern as corporate propaganda.

This is very concerning to us, as we have been victims of deceptive corporate practices ourselves, as we share in our book Poisoned: Failed by Western Medicine, Modern Construction, and Corporate Interests.

Our current hourly rate, which is subject to change at any time, is $60 per hour for consultations.

To get started ASAP, send us $60 via Paypal or Buy Me a Coffee, and send an email with your questions to our email address below!

Take a step towards better health and contact us today!